Transcript: Able Radio presents - September 2013

We are pleased to introduce guest presenter Michael McEwan, a regular contributor to Able Radio. Michael offers a roundup of news and events for people with disabilities.

Podcast Episode: Able Radio presents - September 2013

Category: Disability 


What follows is a transcription of the audio recording. Due to differences between spoken and written English, the transcript may contain quirks of grammar and syntax.

MM - Michael McEwan

In this episode, we are pleased to introduce guest presenter, Michael McEwan, who is a regular broadcaster on Able Radio.

My name is Michael McEwan and you are listening to My background is I work on a disability radio station called Able Radio and I do numerous of disability issues in the media. For the next couple of Iriss broadcasts I will be here with news or events coming up. On this broadcast we will tell you a bit about LATE, a club night for people with a learning disability. Also we will tell you how you can get involved with Andy Kibbles on Channel 4, and then we will tell you about the Scottish Mental Health Festival taking place in October.

First up, I am going to tell you this month about a project called the ‘JAM project’. The ‘JAM project’ takes place in the Glasgow Music Studios. It’s aimed towards people aged between 15 to 25 with disabilities. It learns people how to play musical instruments, also it learns them how to play in a band and they jam together for 6 weeks. And then at the end of their 6 weeks, they come together to perform a gig for their friends and families. Now unfortunately the JAM project is looking for funding, so the jam project is over for this year, but have no fears because it will be back here next year and we will tell you some more details about it when we have got it.

Next up this month, we will tell you a bit about the Undateables on Channel 4. Now I don’t know if you saw the series, the Undateables, for the past 2 series, but I am delighted to say that I got emailed from Channel 4 and the Undateables are coming back for a third series to Channel 4, and they are looking for people from Scotland to take part in the show. So you can be any age or if you have got any kind of disability, they would want to hear from you, so if you would like to take part in the show, just email the Undateables at, Betty is the TV production company that’s making the Undateables, or else you could phone the office in London and the number is 0207 2900223, that’s 0207 2900223. They are looking for anybody with a disability and any age to take part in the show. The last few times they have featured people from England, Wales and Ireland, and this time I am delighted to say on, that they are looking for people from Scotland, so get Scotland on the map and appear on that show on Channel 4. There’s not any closing date for that so you don’t have to hurry up and email or phone in, you have got plenty of time, so take your time on that one.

Next up we are going to tell you about another event happening in October, of course October is going to be a busy month and will be here giving you news and views. If you want your news item or your view or opinion, all you have to do is go onto the website and find the details of how you can email me, Michael McEwan, here at

In October, ever October in Scotland plays host to the Cerebral Palsy Awareness month, but also it plays host to the Scottish Mental Film and Arts Festival. Events run up and down the country of Scotland. It’s to highlight the issues of people with mental health. So if you want more details on that, because they have got a list of events and programmes, all you have to do is go onto the website, at, that’s, if you are wanting to go to any events. At that event they usually have comedy nights, they usually have gigs, they usually have people talking about mental health or other issues, so it’s a wonderful event, so get yourself along to that website, that’s

Finally this month, we are going to tell you a bit about a club night, called LATE, based in Glasgow, again it’s in October, on the 15th of October at the Arches in Glasgow. It’s run in conjunction with Dates n Mates and C-Change, and they are backing a campaign called STAY UP LATE. What is STAY UP LATE? Well STAY UP LATE is for people with a learning disability to go out later than half 9 at night. Usually when you go out on a Saturday night, or even during the week, you have got the support worker always texting home at half 9, because their shifts always change for one thing or another. So basically what they are saying is people can stay out later than half 9 at night. So this STAY UP LATE campaign is a UK event, but Dates n Mates and C-Change have been running this event for the past 2 years. It’s coming up again on the 15th of October, a Tuesday night, between half 7 to midnight, 7:30 to midnight at the Arches in Glasgow. If you want more information about this or if you want more ticket info, please call the number, 0141 427 2957, that’s 0141 427 2957 and you can get a member of C-Change or Dates n Mates. You can also join Dates n Mates as well, Dates n Mates is a befriending service if you are looking for a boyfriend, a girlfriend or even just pals, they have various day trips out, they recently went to visit the set of the BBC drama series, River City, they also have bingo nights as well. So if you like your bingo, Dates n Mates are for you. So that’s the LATE event on the 15th of October between half 7 to midnight at the Arches in Glasgow. One of the DJ’s taking place are Gary Spence from Radio Scotland, here on Capital Radio, so it should be a good event. I have been to the last few events, and they have been brilliant events and it’s always mobbed, busy.

So that’s all for this month, I will be back next month with some more magazine news, views and topics. In the meantime if you want to visit the website, you can do so on, you can also email us as well with any news or events coming up.

So this is Mick McEwan from Able Radio, saying I will be back next month with some more news and topics, so stay tuned to, and once again thanks for listening.

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